The GUS Daily Digest Monday, 22 May 1995 Volume 22 : Number 020 Today's Topics: re: Joystick problems with ACE A couple things.. iMUSE System Australian GUS Digest Archives Admin: Need certain Issues Interwave - an answer to our dreams Full Throttle Better read this(Matt). I contains important information. Yossi and general midi Re: System Shock awe32, win95 + other operating systems games & sound support What's New? software version list Re: The GUS Daily Digest V22 #19 Re: Win 95 Interwave Documentation wanted Full Throttle DOES support GUS Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sergio Liberman) Date: Sun, 21 May 95 13:59:23+030 Subject: re: Joystick problems with ACE I had the same problem, and I solved it by changing the address of the MIDI port in the SB16 to 300. Afterwards, I learned that the ULTIRNIT.EXE version that came in the ACE disks (v 4.00) is not good for the ACE because it did not disable the joystick circuit in the ACE card properly. You should get ULTRINIT.EXE version 2.31 (I think) and do not forget the -dj parameter. It is in the file in the gus archives. I have not tried this with the old MIDI 330 address in the SB16. Sergio - --- - ----------------------- From: Date: Fri, 19 May 95 10:06:12 CDT Subject: Joystick problems with ACE Help!!! I bought an ACE to go with my SB16. Now my Flightstick pro buttons no longer work (any of them). If I disable the joystick port on the SB16 card, microsoft's MSD still detects a game port. If I remove the ACE card, the problem disappears. Obviously the ACE has no game port. My settings are SB16 IRQ 5, address 220, DMA 1 and 5. ACE IRQ 11, address 250, DMA 6. Since I bought the ACE to make games sound better, I'll have to take it back if I can't get the joystick working with it. Thanks for any suggestions. clint ------------------------------ From: "Eric M. Busalacchi" Date: Sat, 20 May 1995 20:31:50 +0000 () Subject: A couple things.. >From: Mr Jeremy J Parker >Date: Sat, 20 May 95 18:30:49 BST >Subject: MEGAEMv3.03B and Magic Carpet > >Hurray I thought! > >At last I could get music (General Midi) from Magic Carpet using the new >MEGAEM v3.03B which could work with protected mode games. > >BUT!!.. > >I still can't get soundblaster sounds to work. It just hangs. >Can anyone please help me out? >I've tried various combinations of IRQ and other settings. Welp, I fought with MC for awhile, but after I got it working it was well worth the wait. Anyways, here are a couple hints: Read the README file that comes with MegaEM, it tells you the best way to configure your IRQ's and DMA's for MC. I made a boot disk with the lest amount of stuff loaded into memory. Seems my PCI-HD Controller Card drivers were causing mine to crash. Good luck.. - ----- >From: >Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 02:40:07 +0100 (BST) >Subject: Win 95 > >a) Windows '95 is garbage. The only good thing is the GUI. Cairo will >supercede it in less than 2 years. I just had MS Word 6.0a crash on me 4 >times, the last time wiping out most of my dissertation (Thanks Bill). >Microsoft expects us to believe that, just for once, they'll produce a >good product. MS just can't write decent software... Uhmm.. Dave not to bust you bubble or anything, but isn't Win 95 still a beta release? Yeah, I thought so. Do you know what beta means? Suck it up and wait till the real thing comes out before you start bitching about MS Word crashing. - -- Eric M. Busalacchi ------------------------------ From: Celtic Matrix Date: Sun, 21 May 95 15:06:38 PDT Subject: iMUSE System I wonder if there exist drivers for earlier games like Maniac Mansion I & II Monkey Island I & II Sam & Max for the GUS (MAX) .... ? Does anyone know if lucasarts is going to release updates? Where can I buy Full Throttle ? At LucasArts' ? Does it support the GUS NATIVELY ?... Can anyone post the sales # of Lucasarts? Or a Web page URL ? CM. - ------------------------------------- Name : Celtic Matrix E-mail: Date : 05/21/95 Time : 15:06:38 - ------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: (Adrian Vesnaver) Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 23:44:01 +1000 Subject: Australian GUS Digest Archives Admin: Need certain Issues In order to ensure the completeness of the archives of the GUS Daily Digest, I'm looking for the following issues, or information pertaining to their existance. Volume 21: Issues 7,19 &30. Volume 18: Issue 31. Volume 17: Issues 17,18,21 & 31. Volume 16: Issue 11. Volume 14: Issues 2-4,15-?. Volume 13: Issues 29-31. Volume 11: Issues 47 & 48. Volume 10: Issue 13. Volume 8: Issues 2,7,19,27-8 & 30. Volume 7: Issue 1. Volume 6: Issues 27,29 & 30. Volume 5: Issues 26-7. Volume 4: Issues 16,23-9,35,42-3 & 59 Volume 3: Issues 3 & 32. I would appreciate it if anyone who has these digest or know where to find them could contact me at I've looked in the FTP archives at epas and the other sites but I can not find these particular issues. Hopefuly by the time my page is accessible the archives will be complete. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Adrian - -- ,-_|\ Adrian Vesnaver MAIL: / \ Adelaide, SA \_,-*_/ Australia PGP Key: finger me or see my home page v Check out my home page at ------------------------------ From: (P.Chen) Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 11:11:21 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Interwave - an answer to our dreams Gravis, you better be ready for some stiff competition when big name sound card producers start using the Interwave. Sure, I'm brand loyal, but not blindly so. People want drivers for different OS's, as we can tell from the cries of despair posted here. If Gravis can't provide the drivers and/or support, I'm buying another Interwave-based card from a company with support for both customers and OS's, even if it is CL. A company can't rest on the technological superiority of its hardware and hope to succeed, especially without customer support (take a look at Commodore). Competition drives the market, and I am thankful that the Interwave is a somewhat standard chip that will be available to more companies than just Gravis. ------------------------------ From: Andy Turner Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 15:27:10 GMT Subject: Full Throttle I can confirm that Full Throttle DOES have native GUS support because I've got it and used it. At least that's true of the version we get in England. All the music in FT is done via samples and therefore FT only makes use of the GUS's digital channels. In short, you'd get the same quality with a SB16. Does anyone know whether the driver in FT can be used to drive the CD version of Sam & Max? If someone has both can they give it a go? Presumably there would be no music because of the reason stated above, but it would be better than nothing. AndyT ------------------------------ From: (Emil Rakoczy) Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 17:27:43 +0100 Subject: Better read this(Matt). I contains important information. >From: (Matt Robinson) >Date: Sat, 20 May 1995 13:35:39 GMT >Subject: Re: The GUS Daily Digest V22 #18 > >Gravis only sell the cards. They give absolutely no promise to support it. Once >they've sold it, then they have no OBLIGATION to you. Yes they produce drivers, >but if people like you bitch at them (which is what this digest is increasingly >doing), then they won't bother, they'll use their resources on something more >satisfying. Let me ask you one tiny question. What is the most important thing that gravis needs to exist? Don't know the answer? Here goes: customers. Especially the happy ones. If they don't have any customers, then they can just shut down the whole company and go home. It's shocking, but it's true. So then. If Gravis want to have happy customers(or customers at all) they'll have to support the card, by continiously making new and improved stuff to it, and make shure that most games support it too. So let's get things straight here. The developers are not hired by Gravis to make stuff that satisfy them(surprised?). They are there to satisfy us. Theyre loyal customers. If they don't, then people will f.ex. start "whining" in this digest and suggest to buy another soundcard. If they do, then Gravis has lost some customers. That's bad for the business, and you know it. >I'm not sore that gravis haven't made a Win '95 driver yet, win'95 >isn't even out yet. I'm not even slightly annoyed that gravis took over 2 years >to produce an Alpha OS/2 driver ('cos I don't use OS/2, I knew that it's less >well supported). You buy a GUS, and you KNOW that it's new, it's not a standard >and it's not fully compatible. You can't expect Gravis to grovel to you and say >"Sorry our cards aren't supported enough, here have a free joystick". Oh and I'm >not griping at you in particular, it's not personal, I just hate people >threatening other GUS users that they'll "Sell their GUS, cos it aint supported". The GUS have been out for two years now. At least. If it such a superb soundcard that everybody calims it to be(including me), then it's time it becomes a standard. We have the right to complain, so go and hate your self. Preferably in another country(eastern mongolia is a good suggestion). >It's boring, and pointless. WE DON'T CARE if you don't like your GUS, you bought >it, it's your problem. Selfish? Yes. I just don't see why after reading on the >box that the card has software emulation only, that everyone goes mental when it >won't work with their favourite games, of course it will, you want to pay extra >to have a SBFM chip added? Of course you don't, Otherwise you would have bought >an SB in the first place. Yeah yeah yeah. It's true that it says software emulation on the box. Happy? It would have been ok with a lousy emulation if all the games had native support. But they don't do they? So then we have to relay on the emulation, and when it sucks(like it did when the first GUS came out) we whine. And we have the right to do it. The customer is always right. Who's "WE" anyway? >Right, the caffeine's worked it's way out of my system now, I've finished. Thank god. Don't ever drink caffeine again. It's bad for you. Don't take it personal. EmilR, Norway. "Words are turds!" *****THE_FANCY_SIGNATURE****** * Realtime:Emil Rakoczy * * Nickname:Lurking Puppet * * IRC:Lurking * ** ******To be expanded...******* ------------------------------ From: (Emil Rakoczy) Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 17:41:14 +0100 Subject: Yossi and general midi >From: Yossi Oren >Date: Sat, 20 May 95 20:45:54 +0300 >Subject: Re: The GUS Daily Digest V22 #17 >Emil, you with the long .sig ha ha. >- when the GUS was released 5 years ago (nearly) >the Sound Blaster was fichting for support and a sound card from Canada still >meant Ad Lib. Internal General MIDI at an affordable price was fiction, and >so Gravis didn't try and support it. You should thank them for adding that >feature to the newer cards, not slam them. Oh, and cut your .sig down. In case you haven't noticed: That's history. Stop living in the past. Nobody cares what went on 5 years ago, and GM isn't fiction anymore either. I'll slam Gravis if I want to(but I never did, did I.), especially if the midi stuff wont work. Oh, and cut your own sig. It's ugly and no funny. Sincerely EmilR, Norway "Words are turds!" *****THE_FANCY_SIGNATURE****** * Realtime:Emil Rakoczy * * Nickname:Lurking Puppet * * IRC:Lurking * ** ******To be expanded...******* ------------------------------ From: (Damian Scully) Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 20:05:23 +0100 Subject: Re: System Shock >Has anyone out there got System Shock working under GUS? I have the disk version and it works fine, it may be the same with the CD version. >From the install program I selected GUS for both sound effects and music. Then before you play the game simply run shockgus. I Just got a copy of Theme Park CD, anyone know how to get it to work with the GUS. Damian. +------------------------------------------------------+ | Damian Scully | | Hopeful Programmer | | | | E-Mail = | | WWW = | +------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ From: Sam Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 20:34:13 +0100 (BST) Subject: awe32, win95 + other operating systems games & sound support > > solution at the moment is SB something + ACE. 100% compatibility as well > > as ultrasound quality. > > Methinks you should get a SB AWE32, if you're that bothered. Why? AWE32 doesn't support General Midi in protected mode games, and doesn't run with demos or trackers. Oh, and it also costs a lot more. > > In the future (maybe) Win95 will make DOS a thing of the past, and since > > it includes native wavetable soundcard drivers (the facilities for; > > Gravis still have to write them) sound card incompatibilities will also > > be a thing of the past. > > Haha, do you really believe this? Read 7 lines up: ^^^^^^^^ > a) Windows '95 is garbage. The only good thing is the GUI. Well, at home (I haven't seen it yet) my family's verdict is, roughly, very nice, some incompatibilities (hopefully be fixed by release), the only problem is that it runs at 1/2 the speed of 3.11. > b) Most games writers can't write decent sound support (like you needed > telling). Nobody is going to downgrade their sound in a hurry to work with > Windows '95. Win '95 is a sound improvement, as it supports native wavetable. (if people bother to write it) as well as standard GMIDI. The point is that games writers don't need to do sound support, Windows does it for them. > c) The PC market is going to be splintered over DOS, Windows 3.11, Windows '95, > Windows NT and OS/2 for the next two years at least. If you think this is going I did write a discussion on this, but I just scrapped it as irrelevant. So, briefly, it's my opinion NT is irrelevant to games market. OS/2 does not have enough developers to succeed. Win 3.11 is also irrelevant to games. Win95 looks like it's serious (low-res video modes and direct write, soundcard drivers that allow native wavetable) and is being taken seriously by a large number of game developers, judging by talk. OS/2 fans, note the "it's my opinion" bit. I know you all think OS/2 is going to take over the world. Don't bother replying to this to say so. Maybe it will, that's a possibility I accept. Sam (long message so I lost the sig). ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 21 May 95 16:09:41 EDT Subject: What's New? The following is my personal log of new or updated software released by Gravis. /// USAIL311.ZIP /// DOS readme v2.01 DOS ultra.dig v3.11 AIL 3.0 DOS ultra.mdi v3.11 AIL 3.0 /// GUS411.ZIP /// DOS e.bat v1.2 DOS emuset v2.07 DOS megaem v2.07 DOS playfile v4.6 Can't record through line-in? DOS readme v2.0 DOS resource.dat v3.2 DOS setup DOS ultrinit v2.28a DOS ultramix v2.04 WIN grvsultr.386 v5.51 WIN ultrasnd.drv v5.51 WIN mixer v5.51(?) /// MEGA303B.ZIP /// DOS megaem v3.03 beta Supports protected-mode games; one .exe DOS readme v1.99c Replaces GV.EXE /// GUS0048.ZIP /// WIN grvsultr.386 v5.50 WIN ultrasnd.drv v5.50 /// GUS0047.ZIP /// DOS ultrinit v2.26a /// GUS0046.ZIP /// DOS maxsbos v0.21 beta /// GUS0045.ZIP /// DOS ultrinit v2.31 Supports ULTRAMIX.INI DOS mixer Supports ULTRAMIX.INI /// GUS0044.ZIP /// DOS setup v0.10 alpha Combines SETUP & SetGUS. /// GUS359x.ZIP (x = A,B,C,D,E,F) /// DOS ultrinit v2.29 DOS playfile v4.50 DOS setup v5.03do DOS setgus v2.50 DOS parse v3.59 DOS wparse v1.20 WIN grvsultr.386 v5.48 WIN ultrasnd.drv v5.48 WIN ultmport.drv v1.02 WIN patch maker v1.62 WIN mixer v5.32 MIDI Patches All have patch names inside patches! /// GUS0043.ZIP /// DOS playmidi v5.12 DOS playfile v4.40 DOS ultramix v1.03 DOS ultrinit v2.25 DOS ultramid v1.12 /// GUS042.ZIP /// WIN patch manager v1.56 Fixed some Bank Manager bugs WIN grvsultr.386 v5.34 \ WIN ultrasnd.drv v5.34 - Fixed shell & .WAV bugs, increased max DMA WIN ultmport.drv v1.01 / /// GUS353x.ZIP (x = A,B,C,D,E,F) /// DOS gravutil v3.0 DOS playmidi v5.06 Can use external ULTLOGO.BMP DOS playfile v3.8 MAX/DB support DOS sbos v3.82 DOS ultramid v1.11 DOS ultrajoy v?.?? DOS ultrinit v2.23 Added -s "silent" mode DOS e.bat v1.0 - front-end for emulators (SBOS,MegaEM,UltraMID) DOS gusemu v1.0 / WIN mixer v2.02 Added volume percentages WIN patch maker v1.13 Added increased envelope precision WIN patch manager v1.55 Added Bank Manager -- MAJOR UPGRADE! WIN grvsultr.386 v5.21 \ WIN ultrasnd.drv v5.21 - Added DMA Buffer sizes, MAX/DB support WIN ultmport.drv v1.01 / WIN ultrahlp.hlp v?.?? WIN ultrasnd.ini v?.?? Added Patch Bank Names MIDI patches v?.?? New file dates, some patches improved? * Windows drivers -- fixed in GUS042.ZIP - garbled .WAV on old GUS (and GUS MAX?) - incompatible with any 3rd party shell (NDW,PC Tools) * Bank Manager - copying perc bank to bank 0 doesn't work -- fixed GUS042 - creating new perc bank w/ copy current doesn't work * File dates -- if any existing file is dated newer than intended replacement file on 3.53 install disks, it will NOT get replaced. (example: replacement SBOSLIB.SBS is dated 1/2/80 on install disks!) Delete specific original files and do manual (file) install or delete everything and do a fresh install. (BACKUP any important stuff 1st!) ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 21 May 95 16:12:42 EDT Subject: software version list (unofficial) GUS Software Version List 21-May-95 + New or updated >> DOS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILENAME VERSN FILEDATE FILESIZE ARCHIVENAME COMMENT audio.exe v3.04 02-19-93 62,376 + buildpat.exe v1.0d 03-16-95 76,861 MEGA303B.ZIP + driver.exe v0.21b 01-09-95 14,416 GUS0046.ZIP maxsbos + e.bat v1.2 03-20-95 5,948 GUS411.ZIP + emuset.exe v2.07 03-20-95 10,096 GUS411.ZIP gravutil.exe v3.0 03-29-94 88,404 GUS353x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) grvcolor.exe v1.0 02-15-93 50,928 gusemu.exe v1.0 03-16-94 12,979 GUS353x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) instgrps.exe 12-12-94 132,608 GUS359x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) + loader.exe v0.21b 01-09-95 26,912 GUS0046.ZIP maxsbos loadpats.exe v1.3 02-04-94 24,705 loadsbos.exe v3.82 02-15-94 48,262 GUS353x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) + megaem.exe v2.07 03-20-95 27,568 GUS411.ZIP + megaem.exe v3.03b 03-17-95 175,040 MEGA303B.ZIP + mesetup.exe v3.03b 03-17-95 9,924 MEGA303B.ZIP midifier.exe v1.11 02-04-94 126,746 mixer.exe 01-26-95 372,911 GUS0045.ZIP parse.exe v3.59 12-13-94 52,016 GUS359x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) + playfile.exe v4.60 03-20-95 257,090 GUS411.ZIP playmidi.exe v5.12 08-29-94 164,162 GUS0043.ZIP + readme.exe v2.01 08-18-94 16,118 USAIL311.ZIP Replaces GV.EXE sbos.cfg 10-31-94 706 sboscfg.exe v1.00 03-26-93 95,120 sbosdrv.exe v3.82 02-15-94 20,752 GUS353x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) v3.82 10-31-94 184,612 + setup.exe 03-20-95 473,472 GUS411.ZIP Replaces SETGUS.EXE + resource.dat v3.2 03-20-95 139,008 GUS411.ZIP ubat.exe 01-26-93 61,346 + ultra.dig v3.11 03-23-95 9,478 USAIL311.ZIP AIL 3.0 drivers + ultra.mdi v3.11 03-23-95 49,700 USAIL311.ZIP AIL 3.0 drivers ultrafli.exe v3.03 02-19-93 68,456 ultrajoy.exe 04-05-94 12,226 GUS353x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) ultramid.exe v1.12 12-12-94 40,038 GUS0043.ZIP + ultramix.exe v2.04 03-20-95 24,018 GUS411.ZIP ultrinit.exe v2.31 01-10-95 33,072 GUS0045.ZIP uss8.exe v1.01 03-02-93 246,012 wparse.exe v1.20 12-13-94 51,392 GUS359x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) >> MIDI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILENAME VERSN FILEDATE FILESIZE ARCHIVENAME COMMENT *.PAT v1.10 10-31-94 GUS359x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) >> WINDOWS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILENAME VERSN FILEDATE FILESIZE ARCHIVENAME COMMENT + grvsultr.386 v5.50 01-26-95 7,383 GUS0048.ZIP + grvsultr.386 v5.51 03-20-95 7,393 GUS411.ZIP + ultrasnd.drv v5.50 01-26-95 109,460 GUS0048.ZIP + ultrasnd.drv v5.51 03-20-95 101,728 GUS411.ZIP ultmport.drv v1.02 11-29-94 11,648 GUS359x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) patchmgr.exe v1.62 10-31-94 357,888 GUS359x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) mixer.exe v5.32 10-31-94 63,488 GUS359x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) + mixer.exe v5.51? 03-20-95 56,704 GUS411.ZIP pmaker.exe v1.13 10-31-94 547,856 GUS353x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) patchmgr.hlp 10-31-94 47,337 GUS359x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) pmaker.hlp 10-31-94 82,182 GUS353x.ZIP (x=A,B,C,D,E,F) >> NOTES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The archive filename doesn't get updated unless the actual file version changes, even though the file may be available in a more recent archive. Filedates may vary. No guarantees that any of the above information is correct, or even useful. :-) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------ From: Phat Hong Tran Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 16:44:54 -0400 Subject: Re: The GUS Daily Digest V22 #19 On Sun, 21 May 1995, The GUS Daily Digest wrote: > From: (Satoshi Beppu) > Date: Sat, 20 May 1995 02:32:44 -0700 > Subject: InterWave: Yes, it is hardware compatible w/ GUS. > > So there you have it--the InterWave is HARDWARE COMPATIBLE > with the Gravis UltraSound. And finally after having read > the InterWave documentation here is how I would describe a > soundcard using the InterWave chip: > > Imagine a GUS MAX, but... > with support for 16Mbytes DRAM and 16Mbytes ROM, > with an 'Integrated Effects Processor' (reverb, echo, etc.) > [note: one can only use it on a maximum of 8 channels. Actually, from what I remember of the Interwave preliminary specs, effects processing can be performed on all 32 channels. The '8' that you're referring to is the number of 'effects accumulators' that the chip has, which means, in simplistic terms, it can perform up to 8 different types of effects processing at once. If you want chorusing on channels 1-12, you'd send those channels to the accumulator responsible for chorusing, and if you want reverb on channels 13-16, you'd send those channels to another accumulator which you've configured to do reverb, and so on, until you run out of effects accumulators or effects you want to use, whichever comes first. There may be some strings attached to using those effects accumulators, but the details elude my recollection at the moment. Phat. ------------------------------ From: Nathan Tracy Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 15:58:41 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Win 95 Dave, You seem pretty unhappy about Microsoft/Intel systems, I wonder why you don't use a Macintosh? Nathan Tracy On Sun, 21 May 1995 wrote: > Re: SB > > > It makes it easier to run games. Don't knock it. Since in all probability > > you can get one second-hand, it's a great way to make sure everything > > runs in some way. It also doesn't add to creative labs profits, if you > > are concerned about this :) In my opinion, the ultimate sound card > > solution at the moment is SB something + ACE. 100% compatibility as well > > as ultrasound quality. > > Methinks you should get a SB AWE32, if you're that bothered. > > > In the future (maybe) Win95 will make DOS a thing of the past, and since > > it includes native wavetable soundcard drivers (the facilities for; > > Gravis still have to write them) sound card incompatibilities will also > > be a thing of the past. > > Haha, do you really believe this? > > a) Windows '95 is garbage. The only good thing is the GUI. Cairo will supercede > it in less than 2 years. I just had MS Word 6.0a crash on me 4 times, the last > time wiping out most of my dissertation (Thanks Bill). Microsoft expects us to > believe that, just for once, they'll produce a good product. MS just can't > write decent software... > b) Most games writers can't write decent sound support (like you needed > telling). Nobody is going to downgrade their sound in a hurry to work with > Windows '95. > c) The PC market is going to be splintered over DOS, Windows 3.11, Windows '95, > Windows NT and OS/2 for the next two years at least. If you think this is going > to make things any simpler then... > > Dave. > > > > ------------------------------ From: George Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 21:11:08 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Interwave Documentation wanted Can someone please post or if it's too long, show me the WWW or FTP site that contains the Interwave documentation? Thanks, - -George ------------------------------ From: ST4FX@Jetson.UH.EDU Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 01:47:39 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Full Throttle DOES support GUS I've noticed e Poplle asking about Full Throttle, and I have the box right here next to me. In fact, I've already playde through the entire game with great GUS digital sound (I did try setting it for SB Pro also, but the GUS definitely sounded richer. Another thing though, I don't think the game uses any sysnthesized music at all, unless the SB Pro's FM Synth has magically turned into a wavetable synth or something). Anyways, I also thought it a promising sign when the demo of Rebel Assault 2 worked great with GUS sound. ------------------------------ End of The GUS Daily Digest V22 #20 *********************************** To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS Digest Archives: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).